The Difference Between The Impossible And The Possible

February 16, 2014


The Difference Between The Impossible And The Possible

The first step in tackling an “impossible” challenge is deciding whether you want to tackle it. That first decision is the start of the determination needed to see you through any set-backs or misdirections as you work toward the goal. If you are leading others, your determination will help keep them going.

Take a deep breath, maintain focus, find solutions and you will turn the impossible into the possible!

More great quotes to start the week:

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About Liza Wood

After a dozen years leading video game development projects in a variety of roles, I decided to pursue a Master of Data Science at the University of British Columbia. Studying data science doesn’t mean I’m moving away from leading people. Growing data science teams need collaborative, pragmatic, Agile leadership to connect data to all areas of the business. I would like to share that point of view, along with my experiences, on this blog.

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2 Comments on “The Difference Between The Impossible And The Possible”


    What a great blog post! Taking action and tackling any challenge turns into an opportunity for a blessing.


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