How To Be Really Freakin’ Awesome Every Day

October 14, 2013


Drew Dudley on stage at Blissdom Canada

Drew Dudley presenting at Blissdom Canada

Ever since I saw his TEDx Toronto speech on, I have been a fan of Drew Dudley’s point of view on everyday leadership. So, when I saw that he would be the closing keynote speaker for Blissdom Canada, I was looking forward to his presentation the entire weekend.

With his usual humour and touching stories, Drew shared his insight on How To Be Really Freakin’ Awesome Every Day. Leadership is about striving to act every day and to have an impact. By doing this, you create moments where people feel as if they are better off for interacting with you. It starts with defining the things you want to define you:

  1. Identify your values
  2. Define each of your values in a way that could be explained to someone from a different culture
  3. Create deliberate steps you can take each day to ensure you live each value.

The last point especially resonated with me, particularly when he explained the six questions he asks himself each day to operationalize his values:

  1. What have I done today to recognize someone else’s leadership?
  2. What have I done today to make it more likely that I will learn something?
  3. What have I done today make it more likely that someone else will learn something?
  4. What positive thing have I said about someone to their face today?
  5. What positive thing have I said about someone who is not in the room?
  6. What have I done today to be good to myself?

The answer to these questions does not need to be a grand gesture. If you have seen Drew’s TED Talk, you’ll recognize that there are no little things. Sometimes little things to you may mean a lot more to others. These are what Drew calls the “lollipop moments“.

My “Mission for Today” series of posts I started around last Christmas were to share some small ways to connect with your team in positive ways, which could be one of my questions reflecting a personal value. Acting on one of those posts would be a simple thing I could do to answer that question each day. Drew’s presentation was a great way to conclude Blissdom Canada 2013. I am still thinking about what other questions I could ask myself to ensure I consciously act on my values each day.

Is there something you strive to do every day that reflects your values? Have you had a lollipop moment recently?

Other posts from Blissdom Canada and Drew Dudley’s Presentation You May Enjoy:

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About Liza Wood

After a dozen years leading video game development projects in a variety of roles, I decided to pursue a Master of Data Science at the University of British Columbia. Studying data science doesn’t mean I’m moving away from leading people. Growing data science teams need collaborative, pragmatic, Agile leadership to connect data to all areas of the business. I would like to share that point of view, along with my experiences, on this blog.

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4 Comments on “How To Be Really Freakin’ Awesome Every Day”

  1. Nolie Says:

    Drew’s talk was amazing. I would love to one day bring Tobei to see him talk. Thank you for including my post in yours.



  1. How To Be Really Freakin' Awesome Every Day | M... - October 18, 2013

    […] Ever since I saw his TEDx Toronto speech on, I have been a fan of Drew Dudley's point of view on everyday leadership. So, when I saw that he would be the closing keynote speaker for Blissdo…  […]

  2. Different Is Bliss! Blissdom Canada 2013 | Red Boots Adventuress - January 18, 2015

    […] The highlight presentation was Drew Dudley’s closing keynote. I wrote a summary of his inspiring talk on my business blog. […]

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